February 11, 2025, Regular Public Meeting
In accordance with Policy 7 Board Operations:
- There shall be a public remarks period of up to 30 minutes (Note – maximum of six (6) speakers) following the adjournment of every regularly scheduled public Board meeting, to provide an opportunity for members of the public to make comments to the Board. Public remarks shall be relevant to items on the evening’s approved regular public agenda. The Board will listen respectfully to comments, however may not respond to questions during this time.
- Members of the public may submit written comments relevant to items on the evening’s approved regular public agenda to the Board Chair by email at [email protected] for consideration by the Board. Written submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to the regular public meeting.
- Individuals or groups wishing to make public remarks must identify themselves and the issue(s) to be presented on a speakers’ list which will be available following the adjournment of the regular public meeting.
- Each speaker from the public will be allowed five minutes to make comments. At the discretion of the Chairperson, additional time may be allotted.
Additional Notes:
- The Board of Education has a legal responsibility to create and maintain a respectful workplace
- Respectful language and behaviour at all times
- Right to disagree but done in a respectful manner
- All individuals are entitled to their opinion but not at the expense of others' dignity
- No signage is allowed in the meeting room